Once you have identified a goal you channel all your energies into achieving it, but do not be over-confident or assume that everyone else agrees with your methods. You are active and alert, and prefer the unusual to the unpredictable. If you decide to choose a new skill to further your career, persevere until you have perfected it and try to resolve any problems rather than simply avoiding them.
You are hard working, cheerful and independent, although you do not mind working as part of a team as long as your efforts are recognized. Many people born in the Year of the Horse have a healthy constitution and are suited to mentally or physically demanding work. You have potential to be an inspiring leader but try to hold back when situations irritate you, since a hasty word could land you in trouble.
You are suited to a job in politics, sport or the construction industry. You would also make a good geographer, explorer, actor, artist, and advertising or sales executive.