You need to experiment and discover romance before you can be sure that you have found the right partner. You put your trust in relationships, and some partners take advantage of your apparent naivety.
But you are also a good learner and pick yourself up and start again - it is rare for you ever to feel defeated by a relationship.
Your partner may not realize it, but you are a good observer, making a mental note of what is said or done; though you might appear to be in a dream, you have simply chosen not to comment. You are tolerant, and will allow your partner the freedom that you also need, but this has to rest on an affectionate and trustworthy footing. Your lively imagination and enthusiasm soon draws admirers who share your sense of fun, as well as recognize your more sensitive and serious nature. Once a relationship is established, you trust that the love and affection you give will be returned - and it usually is. However, your partner should also be careful not to continually demand your emotional attention in case you feel trapped.