The following is an excerpt taken from the book, Intimate Astrology: Better Love and Sex through the Zodiac, by Winfried Noe'. (Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY. 10016.
When two skillful lovers such as Libra and Libra have a rendezvous, few desires remain unfulfilled. Their love play becomes a delight.
The Scorpio does not necessarily give the Libra quivers of rapture. Too much passion can frighten the Libra.
With a Sagittarius, this problem does not arise. Open and idealistic in bed, too, Sagittarius can become excited about Libra's love skills.
Capricorn and Libra are not the optimal erotic combination. Both may have to get used to the love practices of the other. Well, nothing is impossible!
Libras devote their erotic interest to Aquarius gladly and spontaneously. This results in happy hours for them both.
Due to all the dreaming, the Pisces may not get to the erotic part and the Libra may lose interest.
Aries people are not exactly balm for the Libra love nature. If Arians can reign in their temperament, it may work. Otherwise not.
A Taurus meets the Libran expectations of a "cultured" love life better than the Aries, even if their erotic desires are at times divergent.
The Gemini is almost a guarantor of heavenly love nights. No wonder, because in bed, too, this devil is skilled and artful.
Cancer and Libra could have certain difficulties in harmonizing sexually. Great fulfillment is questionable.
Leos, on the other hand, need only let their heart speak - and Libras will show them the true art of love. Dreamlike prospects.
The reserved Virgos probably block the Libra's seduction skills. All the Virgos would have to do is get out of their way.