Excerpts from "The Seven Secrets of Slim People" by Vikki Hanson,(MSW) and Shawn Goodman.
Secret #1
Listen to your body not your mind
Your body already knows how to eat perfectly. Your body is a perfect health, weight, and nutrition regulator FOR YOU! Your body has never stopped sending you physical messages about how to eat; you just learned to stop listening. How your body wants to eat may be very different than how other people's bodies want to eat.
How do the naturally slim eat?
They eat only when they are physically hungry.
They eat what they want most.
They stop when their bodies are satisfied (comfortable or not hungry anymore) rather than when they are full.
They give their food their conscious attention when they eat.
They notice how their bodies feel during and after eating.
They have no "good" or "bad" foods. All foods are to be enjoyed.
They don't stuff uncomfortable feelings under food.