Excerpts from "The Seven Secrets of Slim People" by Vikki Hanson,(MSW) and Shawn Goodman.
Secret #3
Eat only when you are physically hungry
This is hunger! You may feel:
- empty
- lightheaded
- slightly nauseated
- loss of energy
- loss of concentration
- irritable, cranky
- slight headache
- stomachache
- hunger pang in stomach
- certainty that you must eat now
This is not hunger:
- salivation just because you saw or smelled food (assuming you weren't feeling hungry before)
- searching through the cupboards to find something to satisfy a mouth craving (taste)
- the oral urge to chew, chomp,or suck due to anger or anxiety
- thirst
- stomach tension from nerves
- low energy from lack of sleep
- sadness, anger, frustration
Secret #2 - Click here...

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