Excerpts from "The Seven Secrets of Slim People" by Vikki Hanson,(MSW) and Shawn Goodman.
Secret #6
Notice how your body feels after eating
What you most want to eat and what your body wants to eat will gradually become one and the same.
The ways to make a good food-to body match are:
- what are you craving when you are hungry?
- if you eat it, does it taste great? If it's a body craving, the food will taste phenomenal.
- how does your body feel 30 minutes to a few hours after eating the food?
- if the food was a good body match, you will feel great.
- if the food was a bad match, you'll have acid, gas, pain, nausea, discomfort, etc.
There are only two reasons your body will feel bad after eating when you are hungry:
- you made a bad match, or a bad combination of foods.
- you ate too much food, even if it was a good match.
Secret #5 - Click here...

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