Einstein's Quiz
Albert Einstein said that 98% of the population of Earth could not figure out this problem. See if you have the brainpower to solve it.
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A Quick Test of Intelligence
Read the sentence and count the F's in that sentence. Count them only once. Do not go back and count them again
Click here to read the sentence.
Burning Rope Puzzle
There are two lengths of rope. Each one can burn in exactly one hour. They are not necessarily of the same length or width as each other.
Click here to try solving the puzzle.
Centurion Puzzle
After the battle, the centurion thanked the soldier for his warning and then confined him to barracks until the Ides of March as a punishment. Why?
Click here to try the Centurion Puzzle!
Date Puzzle
In this puzzle Tom becomes overconfident about his ability to juggle several dates at once, and ends up making plans with five women for the same night!
Click here to try the Date Puzzle!
Lunch Puzzle
Can you match each woman with her seat at the lunch table, as well as determine her morning activity and the time she arrived at the restaurant?
Click here to try the Lunch Puzzle!
Music Puzzle
From the information provided, determine the first and last names of each friend (one surname is Cates), as well as the CDs and the T-shirt each bought. Good luck!
Click here to solve the Music puzzle!

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