Challenge #2!
Triangle Puzzle #3 (Requires Flash plug-in)
Someone made a mistake and put this triangle together wrong. Can you put it back together correctly?
Click here to solve the Puzzle!
Nail Puzzle
Can you make these five squares into three squares by removing three of the nails? It's tricky but not impossible.
Click here to try the Nail Puzzle!
Dog Puzzle
If you move just two nails, can you make this dog face the other way - and still keep his tail in the air?
Click here to try the Dog Puzzle!
Hexagon Puzzle
Having discovered a way of constructing hexagons, the mathematician drew this figure. How many regular hexagons does it contain?
Click here to try the Hexagon Puzzle!
Square Puzzle
Dave the draftsman has drawn some squares. Can you see how many there are? There are more than you'd think.
Click here to try the Square Puzzle!
Madam Puzzle
Sherlock Holmes instantly saw how many ways the word MADAM could be read from this pattern. Can you work out how many?
Click here to try the Madam Puzzle!
Locker Puzzle
The teacher had to buy 34 new numbers for the school lockers, numbered 1 to 34. How many plates with the figure "1" on them did he buy?
Click here to try the Locker Puzzle!
Phone Puzzle
The new "Two-Six Security" internal telephone featured a remarkable push-button system. Can you figure out where the buttons go?
Click here to try the Phone Puzzle!
Math Puzzle
Can you fill in the missing numbers so that the sum of the numbers in each straight line equals the total in the middle?
Click here to try the Math Puzzle!
Star Puzzle
Can you fill in the missing numbers so that the sum of the numbers in each straight line equals the total in the middle?
Click here to try the Star Puzzle!
Roulette Wheel Puzzle
As a novelty feature, one of the roulette tables in Las Vegas casino introduced a most unusual wheel having eighteen...
Click here to try the Roulette Wheel Puzzle!
Magic Square Puzzle
Some of the numbers have fallen out of this magic square. Can you replace the numbers in the square so that each row adds up to 15?
Click here to try the Magic Square Puzzle!